HomeOur JourneyOn the RoadOn A Mission To San Antonio


On A Mission To San Antonio — 7 Comments

  1. Pingback: San Antonio, TX – Traveler’s World RV Resort Review – My Quantum Discovery

  2. Pingback: San Antonio Eatin’! – My Quantum Discovery

  3. Pingback: Tips for Visiting San Antonio – My Quantum Discovery

    • Hi Debbie,
      Thanks for your comment. Too bad that you didn’t have more time to spend in SA – it’s obviously a great place to visit. Perhaps you’ll have an opportunity to return there in the future.

  4. Back in the dark ages when I lived in Houston and Burl would come to visit, we made several side trips up to San Antonio. I still remember eating at the Tower of the Americas one night. It was a foggy night and we were above revolving above the fog. I had a murky, swamp green drink with tendrils of fog alternately wisping and roiling above the surface (thanks to dry ice). I think I still have the glass flower pot in which it was served. The meal was excellent, but obviously the drink made the more lasting impression.

    We had a great time and enjoyed the Mercado.

  5. Pingback: Riverwalk Revisit – My Quantum Discovery

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