Sun Valley, East Greenwich, RI
…East Greenwich, RI. That probably sounds familiar as that is the same town where our boat is docked. We are staying at Sun Valley.
Sun Valley is not a campground but is a manufactured home park that happens to have a few (mostly very cramped) transient sites. There is an older section here and a newer section of larger manufactured homes. Rob’s aunt & uncle own a very nice home in the new section and have a spacious yard. The RV sites are in the old section. Most of the sites are shown in the photo to the right – they are pretty tight and directly adjacent to the state highway.
However, we did manage to snag probably the best site here which is away from the main road and nestled in the “L” between two single-wides. It has a broken up “pad” and a little “yard” on our passenger side and room enough to park the car on the drivers side. A nice row of arborvitaes provides decent privacy on the drivers side. Best of all there are no other RV’s squished up next to us and our neighbors all seem friendly.
Except for the full hookups (including 50A service) there are absolutely no amenities here (not even a picnic table) but it is relatively inexpensive, is close to the boat and close to Rob’s Dad so it works for us. Electricity is separately charged at $0.16/kwh or a flat rate of $95/mo. And we are close to almost everything else in regard to services, food, shopping and entertainment.
Not much exciting to report here – most of our time has been spent trying to sort through and organize all the stuff that we very hurriedly loaded on board the bus and in the van. I think it’s time for another purge!
Speaking of the boat, it will be hauled and put into winter storage on October 17th so next week we will need to get her winterized. Except for that, there isn’t quite as much to do this year since we never brought a lot on board. Hopefully next summer, we’ll be able to spend more time on her. She’s been neglected for two years now – enough!
Rob’s Dad has also sold his house (closing early November) and everything associated with that, despite a few bumps, is still on track. Knowing that we would not be available to help clean out his house and most likely would not have any energy left after our closing, he hired a company, Simplified Lives, a management and concierge company that specializes in helping people move.
They will help pack all of the things he wants moved and coordinate the hiring of movers and an auction company. They will also coordinate removal (donate or trash) anything left after the auction. His plans are to move to Albany, NY mid-month before the auction and will return for his closing on November 4th. We’ll remain in the area until everything is done so we can help him as necessary and provide moral support.
And last but not least, y’all (guess I’m getting geared up for our trip south) are probably wondering how our three furry, four footed “sons” are doing. They’re doing okay but I think if they could talk they would say that so far they really aren’t thrilled with our lifestyle plan. Being on the move just isn’t for them, but hopefully that attitude will eventually change – it will have too!
As soon as the engine started to purr (you’d think they could relate to that), they once again became flying furballs, scrambling to find places to hide. We have storage space under one of the sofas so we made that accessible to them and Gizmo immediately ran and hid under there. Sparky did the same but then he seemed to panic and ran under the brake pedal just like he used to do in the Fleetwood. When he first did that we were obviously concerned, having a cat under your
pedals while driving is not a good thing! But somehow he found a way to wiggle his way through a narrow space next to the pedals and into a very small space behind the console amid the duct work, wires, bolts, etc. Sure doesn’t seem quite as comfortable as the space he had behind the dash in the Fleetwood but he didn’t seem to care. The only way to see him is for us to take the console center drawer out (photo on the left).
And Chooey, well, 17 year old Chooey is just too old to care – he pretty much doesn’t even blink and sleeps the entire time whether we’re moving or stopped. Besides being ‘fraidy cats I think they were a little miffed that there was a doggie park at Normandy Farms but no kitty park! Harrumph!
So that’s the update from the new full timers! Except for the boat haul, we probably won’t be writing much during the next month as it will be pretty boring (no more house stuff I promise). But stay tuned as our journey begins and we head south early in November. Ah yes, the palm trees and pelicans are beckoning…..
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