HomeOur JourneyOn the RoadWhat a difference a day makes!


What a difference a day makes! — 2 Comments

  1. Interesting narrative. Keep up the good work.
    (I like grits)
    Alvin adds so much “class”to your pics
    (It warmed up today—broke 40)

  2. Just caught up with your last 3 blogs. We’re packing continually and I am washing and drying continually, and I still am not bringing all our clothes!!! Most of the dry goods are in the RV but we’re holding off on anything freezeable, so the bags are sitting in the sun room just waiting to be packed away.

    Our current schedule is to leave Mon. 1/9 and stop in Clarksboro, NJ, second stop is Roanoake Rapids and then, wherever. We will be in Moore Haven, FL by Friday, hopefully, for one weeks, then on to four friend, Ramona, in Port Richey until Feb. 4, and from Feb. 4 to March 4 we will be at Linger Lodge Campground, and after that we will be travellers (gypsys). Travellers is what the Irish gypsys are called.

    We are both enjoying your newsy blogs. Keep up the good work and thanks for the tips. We’ll be sure to use them. Herb and Linda

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