HomeOur JourneyOn the WaterHow To Not Sit Still – A Plethora Of Projects!


How To Not Sit Still – A Plethora Of Projects! — 4 Comments

  1. I am totally exhausted from reading your post. It make me feel like such a slug who manages to help clean the house occasionally to make it sparkle, and keep up with a few weeds outside the house. I only did our project #1 this summer and you did 11. Do you sleep? Rob must thrash about puzzling out solutions for those projects.
    Really do enjoy your post even though they make me feel like such a lounge lizard.

  2. I’m as exhausted as Jim. You both are to be commended for all you have accomplished. Your many hours of writing to tell us about each project were superb. I’m sure every inch of Quantum Leap is sparkling. Now it’s time to enjoy Quantum Leap.

  3. Pingback: Bye, Bye, RI! – My Quantum Discovery

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