26.8 miles, 3 hours 20 minutes, 8.0 knots average speed (9.2mph), 65.8°F, calm seas with a 7 knot wind under a bright, sunny blue sky. Ideal cruising conditions for our journey from Gloucester, MA to our second port of call, …
Many years ago, Rob’s brother, Dave, and his wife, Nancy, who live in Albany, NY bought a vacation condo in Rockport, MA where they (and their two kids) often spend the weekend as well as extended vacation time. What a …
It was a cloudy, overcast and chilly day on Thursday, August 17th. Cloudy weather certainly wasn’t going to stop us from doing some sightseeing in town by foot. As mentioned in a previous post, we both had been to Gloucester …
Rise and shine, that was our call bright and early on the morning of the August 16th. A quick check outside the window, followed by a quiet halleluiah – no fog, no rain, just a few fluffy clouds! That sure …