An evening at Fort Wilderness
Saturday night (1/21) we decided to take a walk down to the boat landing/beach area at Fort Wilderness to watch the 8:00 “Wishes” fireworks show over at Magic Kingdom. The view is from across the lake but it is not that far so the show is still enjoyable.
It is a bit hard to get the full effect of the low level pyrotechnics that they light off along the fringes of the Magic Kingdom but the higher altitude displays are clearly visible, plus they also pipe in the music/audio track to the dock area.
We arrived about 20 minutes before the show and snagged some lounge chairs on the beach – the temp was in the mid 70’s with no breeze to speak of so was very pleasant.
A video of the last 60 seconds of the fireworks show is below if you are interested. The video was taken using my EVO (cell phone) so is not of the highest quality.
After the fireworks we discussed hanging around for the Electrical Water Pageant but that was over an hour away so decided not to – we’ll do that some other night. Instead we headed back toward the coach (about a 10 minute walk) and stopped at the campfire area and ended up watching the remainder of a movie (Remember the Titans – a football flick).
Earlier in the evening (every night) they start up a real wood burning campfire, have a Chip & Dale sing along and then show whatever movie is on the agenda for that night. Our coach is in view of this area and directly adjacent to the bridge walkway to access it – the only downside of this is a little noise but it is not really an issue for us, we like this spot (Site # 616). See the image below – the blue “pushpin” is at site #616, the walkway is below it and the camp fire area is to the right. Zoom in to get a clearer shot.
Y’all r so hi- tech. Enjoyed the video. Travel safe.
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