A fine Kentucky entertainment experience
We’re not going to post all the gory details of this event because they are pretty gory, but if you ever really want to know ask us next time we meet.
Remember how we noted in a previous post that we thought our site #31 was not ideal because it had a direct facing view of site #32? Well guess who we got for neighbors? Not two, not three, not four, but FIVE ready to party individuals in a trailer that showed up on Friday evening.
Five “ladies” as it turns out, 4o somethings best we could tell. I won’t make any further comments except to say that it took a bit of scrutiny to determine that they were in fact all “ladies”.
They basically kept to themselves but weren’t the least bit inhibited by the fact that the campers on both sides could see everything they did. Nothing kinky mind you, just not what you would expect from a group of ladies, although I must admit it was a pretty amusing show. The cartoon image in the intro may give you a hint.
The show finally died down around midnight and fortunately was not repeated on Saturday night. Our artistic and amazingly talented neighbors left Sunday morning, leaving us in peace for Sunday evening.
A fine Kentucky entertainment experience — No Comments