My 1970 Suzuki Begins Journey to Copenhagen
My antique 1970 Suzuki starts a two month journey to Copenhagen.
Here she is (photo left) seen during check-in at the freight terminal. She sold on eBay several weeks ago and it has taken a while to get the shipping details worked out (most of that burden was on the seller).
Photo right she’s loaded into the pickup and ready to head off on her new journey.
For those of you interested the shipping cost breaks down as follows;
$275 Norton,MA to Newark,NJ
$400 Newark,NJ to Hamburg
$200 Hamburg to Copenhagen
What is still amazing to me is what good shape this bike is in for its age. Still runs fine (although the carb/choke probably needs some tweaking), mechanically sound, no rust, the vinyl and most of the rubber parts are in good shape, etc. And just about everything is original. Admittedly, despite 4000 plus off road miles it was never abused, but clearly this bike was made with quality components and materials too.
My 1970 Suzuki Begins Journey to Copenhagen — No Comments