Fantastic Weather!
Yesterday was a beautiful day, almost balmy – not bad for late November! In fact it seems to me the past few weeks have been unseasonably mild – not counting of course the nor’easter that brought us an inch of snow on October 30th.
The grass is still green and apparently still growing and while the mercury has dipped below freezing on occasion we have not really had what I would call a hard freeze yet – as can be attested to by the persistence of mosquitoes and black flies.
If this keeps up I don’t even know if we’ll bother heading south! HA HA – not! No, I think within a few more weeks we’ll be more than anxious to get out of here!
Linda blew leaves around and I finished up on a few more outdoor chores, including some maintenance tasks on the coach. I treated all the slide-out awnings with 303, lubed the TV antenna crank (what a difference that made!) and finished up some work on a few other projects.
Fantastic Weather! — No Comments