HomeOur JourneyOn the RoadCarolina Crossroads Chill


Carolina Crossroads Chill — 3 Comments

  1. Happy to see you are on the road and mostly incident free. I wish I could tell you that the weather is warmer in the direction you are heading…sorry it is not.
    This morning at our humble abode in NFM the temp is 51 and the wind is blowing. It may get to mid 60’s this afternoon and over the next couple of days it will get into the 70’s.
    Makes for cold knees on the golf course.
    Save travels and see you soon.

  2. Sounds like a great trip so far! Enjoy SC!! I’m sure the temps are rising slowly. We drove home last Thursday/Friday and watched the thermometer reading fall every 100 miles or so.

  3. Pingback: Continuing Our 2015 Journey “Home” | My Quantum Discovery

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