HomeOur JourneyA Difficult Farewell – And Now There is One…


A Difficult Farewell – And Now There is One… — 6 Comments

  1. Sorry to hear your news. Still he had a wonderful life with you whist he was here. Still it’s hard. Love to you all The Elliott’s

    • Hi Ian & Teresa,
      Thanks for your heartfelt words. It’s tough – we miss him a lot. Been thinking of you with the fires in Portugal. Casa Neroli isn’t in any danger is it?

  2. Your blog about Gizmo was heart warming. Thank you for sharing. I know how difficult it was to write. I was so happy Jim and I could spend playful time with Gizmo and Sparky this past January in AZ. See you again in the winter.

    • Hi Joan,
      Thanks for your comments. Yes, it was a tough post to write and even more difficult sorting through all the pictures of him. But with the help of our very needy Sparky and a little time I know it will get better. Glad you had a chance to visit all of us when we were in AZ. Looking forward to seeing you both again next winter.

  3. Your blog was a beautiful tribute to Gizmo. And like many others, we will miss him. If he could talk, he would say that he had the BEST family ever. P.S. I like Laughing Cow cheese, too.
    Love, Linda

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